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Bushcraft ideas for the back garden

Witham Hall puts bushcraft high up in their learning curriculum and agenda. Whilst their grounds and some of their lessons are specifically designed to help their pupils achieve and learn through experiencing outdoor play, they've also given some great thought to outdoor bushcraft ideas that can be experienced in the back garden.

Bushcraft ideas for the back garden

Here are some simple bush craft ideas for all ages to try out in the back garden:

Chocolate orange

Cut off the top of an orange, scoop everything out, fill with chocolate muffin mix and put the top back on. Wrap in silver foil and bake on a campfire for 10-15 minutes and enjoy. It tastes just like a chocolate orange.

Shelter building

While it seems such a simple idea, there are ways to make it more challenging. Start by providing some basic provisions, such as a tarpaulin and some string and progress to supplying nothing if up for the challenge.

Wood cookie

Cut an inch off the bottom of a small tree stump (old Christmas trees are perfect for this) and use it as a blank canvas to decorate with paint and pens, or you can try making your own natural dyes from plants in your garden.

Bug hunt

While it’s important to respect nature, seeing what lives in your garden is a great start to understanding more about the natural world. Carefully lift up rocks, old leaves, twigs and branches to see what lies beneath. Take a magnifying glass to help get up close.

Damper bread

Make some damper bread dough and wrap around a cleaned end of a green stick - your damper stick - before cooking it on a campfire and then eating it. This teaches children to use what is available rather than relying on man-made utensils.

Night games

Games such as hide and seek are just as effective outside and at this time of year you can play with a torch, adding to the fun so no excuse that it’s dark outside. Getting around without making a sound adds a level of challenge.

Don’t forget…

To dress appropriately for the conditions.

To ensure there is adult supervision at all times.

To respect nature and ensure that what you use is sustainable.

Witham Hall School Admissions Office - 01778 590222.

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